“But the righteous are bold as a lion.” (Proverbs 28:1b)
We are living in the worst of times and in the best of times. The worst of times because of the pervasive evil that is surrounding us: corruption in the government, in education, in big pharma, in the media, in the church; confusion, lies, deception, propaganda, psychological warfare, abortion; drag queens in libraries, transhumanism, transgender ideology, globalism, communism. The devil is a liar and a deceiver and he wants to take over our minds. We are living in Isaiah 5:20, where people call evil good, and good evil. How far our society has fallen from the truth of Biblical values!
HOWEVER, this is the best time for the church if we just wake up! The harvest is ripe; people are searching for meaning in their lives; looking for hope, looking for answers. Many are desperate, depressed and dissatisfied with life! And we have what they are looking for: JESUS! His Word is what sets us free; His love is what heals our heart; and by His Holy Spirit a whole new, amazing world opens up to us! Only Jesus can satisfy us in the depths of our hearts!
The world is a mission field! In an airport bathroom in America the cleaning lady looked absolutely miserable; I ministered to her with the truth and the love of Jesus; she turned to the Lord and invited Jesus as Lord and Savior into her heart. Her face was totally transformed as the Holy Spirit ministered to her. She even got a prophetic word! Church, it’s time to roar with boldness and share the good news of the Kingdom everywhere we go, demonstrating the power and glory of God’s Kingdom. it’s time to stand up for the truth and not go with the evil flow of cancel culture.
In 2026 in Lublin, Poland, we ministered in the prison, and there I prophesied over a prisoner that he would minister the Word of God and also that he would worship the Lord with an instrument, a guitar. I just saw him in 2022 as part of a worship team playing the guitar! We can’t remain silent and gagged by the enemy! Let’s roar as loud as we can with our giftings and make a difference for Jesus! Roar with the truth!
The lion has some amazing qualities that we should look at. Since Jesus is the Lion of Judah, we actually have a lion living inside of us! Let’s tap into this reality and roar with the gospel, with our testimony, with prophecy, with words of knowledge, with healings, deliverances, miracles, signs and wonders!
“The lion which is mighty among beasts and does not retreat before any.” (Proverbs 30:30).
The lion never turns back; he/she is always moving forward. The lion is not intimidated by any circumstance nor by anyone; the lion is unstoppable! Today more than ever we need to live in the reality that the spirit we have received is not the spirit of timidity, but of power, love and a sound mind (2 Timothy 1:7). It’s the same spirit that raised Jesus from the dead! (Romans8:11). No limitations! Holy boldness is part of who we are! Go ahead and roar away the demons of fear and political correctness!
In Acts 4:13 when the religious hypocrites saw the boldness of Peter and John, they were amazed:
“Now when they saw the boldness of Peter and John, and perceived that they were uneducated, common men, they wondered; and they recognized that they had been with Jesus.”
When they were threatened not to speak or teach anymore in the name of Jesus, they answered with boldness:
“Whether it is right in the sight of God to listen to you rather than to God, you must judge; for we cannot but speak of what we have seen and heard.” (Acts 4:19-20).
Afterwards when they went to their own, they did not ask the Lord to take the persecution away, but they prayed for more boldness and demonstration of the Kingdom:
“And now, Lord, look upon their threats, and grant to thy servants to speak thy word with all boldness, while thou stretchest out thy hand to heal, and signs and wonders are performed through the name of thy holy servant Jesus.” (Acts 4:30-31).
Another great quality of lions is that they understand authority. Their roar can be heard for five miles, and this is a roar of dominion and authority. They operate in dominion and rule over their territory! Church, it’s time that we understand the authority the Lord has delegated to us. He has seated us in heavenly places to rule and reign with Him! (Ephesians 2:6). He has given us the authority to trample over serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy! (Luke 10:19). The enemy is under our feet! Enforce calvary’s victory in your sphere of influence! Advance God’s Kingdom! Proclaim His Word in season and out of season! Destroy the works of the devil by using the gifts of the Holy Spirit!
“Occupy until I come.” (Luke 19:13b).
Early this year on my way to Poland, I was detained for about forty minutes in Amsterdam because I didn’t have a covid vaccine passport. I was not vaccinated and the immigration authorities were treating me like a criminal; they wanted to stop me and send me back home to Miami. The officer said he was placing me on the next plane to Miami! What did I do? I released my authority in Christ by using my spiritual weapons. I decreed and declared an open heaven, angelic assistance, the victory; I bound the enemy in Jesus’ name and loosed kingdom blessings; I thanked the Lord; I prayed in tongues. I texted my Polish friends to pray, and bingo! I was allowed to proceed! You see, the enemy wants to stop us from “roaring” and carrying on with the works of Jesus; that’s why we need to use our delegated authority and enforce calvary’s victory!
The Bible says in 1 Chronicles 12:8 that the faces of David’s mighty men were “like the faces of lions...” The time is NOW for us to reflect the face of our dear Lord and Savior, Jesus, the Lion of the Tribe of Judah!!!
Let’s pray:
“Lord Jesus, we thank You for your victory at calvary and today we say that we want to fulfill the plan and purpose for which we were created. Come, Holy Spirit, with fresh fire and with the lion’s anointing of boldness and courage. As part of the ekklesia, help us to rise up and take our position as more than conquerors, ready to roar with the Gospel of the Kingdom and to enforce calvary’s victory over every situation that is not aligned with Your Kingdom. Take us where You want to take us, put Your words in our mouths and we will roar with Your truth and power. We want to display the glory and power of Your Kingdom! Make us unstoppable until the kingdom of the world has become the kingdom of our Lord, and of His Christ.” Amen and Amen
AMEN!!! Roaaaarrrrrr!!!