Authored by Maria Vadia
[Purchased through Queenship Publishing]

FIRE POWER! How the Fire of the Holy Spirit Releases Heaven in the Midst of Chaos
Luke 12:49
“I came to cast fire upon the earth; and would that it were already kindled!” (Luke 12:49).
There is a mighty move of supernatural, Holy Spirit fire being released now on planet earth like never before. The Lord is raising up “sons and daughters of fire” for the end time harvest; for enforcing the victory of Calvary over every enemy; for extending God’s Kingdom on earth as it is in heaven, in the midst of chaos! We are at war, and precisely because the times are dark, the Holy Spirit is moving with great, ever-increasing power and revival fire to awaken His people; to release, miracles, healings, reakthroughs, signs and wonders; heavenly encounters, to turn people to the Lord. The supernatural signs point to Jesus and wonders make the truth seekers wonder! I say it’s time for kingdom explosion of fire power to be released on planet earth so that nations come to Jesus!
FIRE POWER now on sale at Amazon!

Created to be a Champion! *NEW*
Maria Vadia shows us in Created to Be a Champion step by step how every disciple of Christ can live as a Champion of God on earth. Did you know that you have a great destiny in Christ and we are totally equipped and anointed to carry on the works of Jesus? You are destined for glory because Jesus has delivered you from the power of darkness. This book clearly identifies evil strongholds, demonic forces, lies and curses of the day. Maria opens scripture and prayer identifying our spiritual weapons afforded to us through Jesus to rise up against the evil forces and secure freedom.

No More Orphans!
The kingdom of God is a kingdom of power and glory, and we need to manifest this to a lost world. As you read No More Orphans! by Maria Vadia you will understand there is a plan and purpose for God’s people on this side of eternity: it is to extend His kingdom on earth as it is in heaven, to enforce the victory of Calvary over the enemy; to proclaim and demonstrate the power of the gospel of the kingdom so that a lost humanity can repent and turn to Jesus for Salvation! There needs to be a transformation in our thinking so we can experience breakthroughs in our lives, in our families and in our nation. Now is the time to break away from the “orphan spirit” that has kept you bound and held you back from your destiny in Christ!

An Arrow in His Hand
We are in a battle! As God’s people, we need to rise up in the power of the Holy Spirit and fight the good fight of faith (2 Tim. 6:12). Maria Vadia has brought to us a work that truly attacks the fear, emptiness, arrogance, and pride of modern man. In this work she brings before our eyes how the battle today is “not against flesh and blood but against the unseen forces of darkness.” To fight this enemy she presents to us numerous passages of the Word of God and the role of the Holy Spirit. It is the Holy Spirit who opens our minds and hearts to face the world and bring Jesus, the Lord, to expel its darkness. It is by the Spirit we have the courage to lay down our lives to intercede in, with and through Christ for His followers, for His Church and the people of the world. Our prophetic prayers of intercession can become “arrows” in the hand of our God in order to hit the target. We are God’s representatives on earth; He expects us to pray His prayers and give birth to his plans and purposes for this hour. We are His army! Victory is ours! All of us are called to intercede. This powerful book will enable you to become “An Arrow in His Hand.”

Pressing on in the Spirit
The Spirit of one's soul awaits its creator, the Lord has given you His Word, if He has placed a dream or vision in you heart, it will surely come to pass. You know you're alive for the purpose! Stand on the solid rock of His Word as He uses you to bring fourth His Purpose. Your Muscle of faith will be strengthened and stretched as you wait on Him. There are battles to be fought, fears to be dealt with, cleansings, healings, heartache and headaches to go through. Count it as a joy! (James 1:2-4). In the pages of this book you will find all the keys you need to a more fruitful life in Christ. This book will help you bring the scriptures alive in your life and press on in the Spirit.

There's Power in your Tongue!
The power of your tongue can bless or curse, encourage or discourage, edify or tear down, bring healing or destruction. With our tongues we grumble, complain, criticize, gossip, slander, and pass judgment on others. Our words are packed with power for good or evil, and basically what we say is what we get; we "eat its fruits." As Christians, we walk by faith and not by sight; faith in God's word, in His promises. Therefore, we must align our words with what God says in the Bible. There is so little written about guarding our speech, and yet our Lord warns us that every unguarded word would be judged. There's Power In Your Tongue offers many practical concrete ways to grow in virtue with a convicting presentation of biblical truths and direction. Our tongue is like a thermometer; our words reveal the state of our hearts.

Healing is for You!
Good News! If you are a child of God, healing is for you, because it’s part of the inheritance that Jesus won for you on Calvary. On the Cross Jesus carried every sickness and disease so that you could be healed today. You can receive healing and wholeness because He already obtained your healing 2,000 years ago on Calvary. This is part of your inheritance. He not only dealt with the sin of humanity, but also with every sickness and disease, with every emotional lesion or hurt you could be carrying. This is awesome! The Lord has already made your healing available. It’s there waiting for you! Don’t ignore this wonderful benefit from the Cross of Jesus Christ! This scripture inspired book brings the old and new testament together in a way that enlightens and encourages.

Break Open Your Wells!
Break Open Your Wells by Maria Vadia contains many of the fundamentals biblical principles for getting free and staying free. These principles unlock the storehouse of God’s Blessings and give us full access to the abundant life Jesus died to bring us. Scripture tells us that there is “nothing new under the sun.” as Maria carefully traces the power of praise and worship through the Old and New Testaments, the readers will once again discover the timeless treasure God has left us as an imperishable inheritance. They will learn how to appropriate as their own certain power keys that will bring victory in every circumstance. It will not only be a journey of knowledge, but a personal encounter with the Living God, Who loves then and desires to share every part of His life with them.

Victory in the Eye Gate
Our eyes belong to God! Victory in the Eye Gate will help you to understand how important it is to protect our eye gate in order that we can see as God sees. Maria Vadia provides unique insights through scripture and practical example into many facets of our lives that must be transformed by the Holy Spirit if we are to truly walk with Jesus. She covers a wide range of subjects including lust of the eyes and pornography, lack of compassion and avarice. Maria teaches us we are called to live as God’s sons and daughters able to see not only with our natural eyes but in the spiritual realm.

Miracles in the Glory!
Maria Vadia takes us deep into the knowledge of the "glory" of God and shares the extraordinary events that have happened as she has ministered in different nations. You will be praising God as you marvel at the miracles, signs and wonders, healings, and restorations that have taken place because of God's "intervention". The speed of the breakthroughs in the glory have left all amazed!
In the glory there are unlimited possibilities because there are no limits in the Spirit!

Jesus Man of War!
Most people think that praise is just singing a few songs before a prayer meeting-but the high praises of God are a powerful weapon against the enemy forces and demonic strongholds we face in our lives. Maria Vadia teaches us how to use our spiritual weapon of praise in Jesus: Man of War, His Victory for those who Praise Him!

FIRE POWER! How the Fire of the Holy Spirit Releases Heaven in the Midst of Chaos
Luke 12:49
“I came to cast fire upon the earth; and would that it were already kindled!” (Luke 12:49).
There is a mighty move of supernatural, Holy Spirit fire being released now on planet earth like never before. The Lord is raising up “sons and daughters of fire” for the end time harvest; for enforcing the victory of Calvary over every enemy; for extending God’s
Kingdom on earth as it is in heaven, in the midst of chaos! We are at war, and precisely because the times are dark, the Holy Spirit is moving with great, ever-increasing power and revival fire to awaken His people; to release, miracles, healings, breakthroughs,
signs and wonders; heavenly encounters, to turn people to the Lord. The supernatural signs point to Jesus and wonders make the truth seekers wonder! I say it’s time for kingdom explosion of fire power to be released on planet earth so that nations come to
FIRE POWER now on sale at Amazon!

An Arrow in His Hand
We are in a battle! As God’s people, we need to rise up in the power of the Holy Spirit and fight the good fight of faith (2 Tim. 6:12). Maria Vadia has brought to us a work that truly attacks the fear, emptiness, arrogance, and pride of modern man. In this work she brings before our eyes how the battle today is “not against flesh and blood but against the unseen forces of darkness.” To fight this enemy she presents to us numerous passages of the Word of God and the role of the Holy Spirit. It is the Holy Spirit who opens our minds and hearts to face the world and bring Jesus, the Lord, to expel its darkness. It is by the Spirit we have the courage to lay down our lives to intercede in, with and through Christ for His followers, for His Church and the people of the world. Our prophetic prayers of intercession can become “arrows” in the hand of our God in order to hit the target. We are God’s representatives on earth; He expects us to pray His prayers and give birth to his plans and purposes for this hour. We are His army! Victory is ours! All of us are called to intercede. This powerful book will enable you to become “An Arrow in His Hand.”

Pressing on in the Spirit
The Spirit of one's soul awaits its creator, the Lord has given you His Word, if He has placed a dream or vision in you heart, it will surely come to pass. You know you're alive for the purpose! Stand on the solid rock of His Word as He uses you to bring fourth His Purpose. Your Muscle of faith will be strengthened and stretched as you wait on Him. There are battles to be fought, fears to be dealt with, cleansings, healings, heartache and headaches to go through. Count it as a joy! (James 1:2-4). In the pages of this book you will find all the keys you need to a more fruitful life in Christ. This book will help you bring the scriptures alive in your life and press on in the Spirit.

There's Power in your Tongue!
The power of your tongue can bless or curse, encourage or discourage, edify or tear down, bring healing or destruction. With our tongues we grumble, complain, criticize, gossip, slander, and pass judgment on others. Our words are packed with power for good or evil, and basically what we say is what we get; we "eat its fruits." As Christians, we walk by faith and not by sight; faith in God's word, in His promises. Therefore, we must align our words with what God says in the Bible. There is so little written about guarding our speech, and yet our Lord warns us that every unguarded word would be judged. There's Power In Your Tongue offers many practical concrete ways to grow in virtue with a convicting presentation of biblical truths and direction. Our tongue is like a thermometer; our words reveal the state of our hearts.

Healing is for You!
Good News! If you are a child of God, healing is for you, because it’s part of the inheritance that Jesus won for you on Calvary. On the Cross Jesus carried every sickness and disease so that you could be healed today. You can receive healing and wholeness because He already obtained your healing 2,000 years ago on Calvary. This is part of your inheritance. He not only dealt with the sin of humanity, but also with every sickness and disease, with every emotional lesion or hurt you could be carrying. This is awesome! The Lord has already made your healing available. It’s there waiting for you! Don’t ignore this wonderful benefit from the Cross of Jesus Christ! This scripture inspired book brings the old and new testament together in a way that enlightens and encourages.

Break Open Your Wells!
Break Open Your Wells by Maria Vadia contains many of the fundamentals biblical principles for getting free and staying free. These principles unlock the storehouse of God’s Blessings and give us full access to the abundant life Jesus died to bring us. Scripture tells us that there is “nothing new under the sun.” as Maria carefully traces the power of praise and worship through the Old and New Testaments, the readers will once again discover the timeless treasure God has left us as an imperishable inheritance. They will learn how to appropriate as their own certain power keys that will bring victory in every circumstance. It will not only be a journey of knowledge, but a personal encounter with the Living God, Who loves then and desires to share every part of His life with them.

Victory in the Eye Gate
Our eyes belong to God! Victory in the Eye Gate will help you to understand how important it is to protect our eye gate in order that we can see as God sees. Maria Vadia provides unique insights through scripture and practical example into many facets of our lives that must be transformed by the Holy Spirit if we are to truly walk with Jesus. She covers a wide range of subjects including lust of the eyes and pornography, lack of compassion and avarice. Maria teaches us we are called to live as God’s sons and daughters able to see not only with our natural eyes but in the spiritual realm.

Miracles in the Glory!
Maria Vadia takes us deep into the knowledge of the "glory" of God and shares the extraordinary events that have happened as she has ministered in different nations. You will be praising God as you marvel at the miracles, signs and wonders, healings, and restorations that have taken place because of God's "intervention". The speed of the breakthroughs in the glory have left all amazed!
In the glory there are unlimited possibilities because there are no limits in the Spirit!

Jesus Man of War!
Most people think that praise is just singing a few songs before a prayer meeting-but the high praises of God are a powerful weapon against the enemy forces and demonic strongholds we face in our lives. Maria Vadia teaches us how to use our spiritual weapon of praise in Jesus: Man of War, His Victory for those who Praise Him!