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Word for 2017


“And there I will giver her, her vineyards, and make the Valley of Achor a door of hope.”  (Hosea 2:15).

2007 promises to be a year of great hope and opportunity for the sons and daughters of God.  All of creation has been waiting for this moment, for His sons and daughter to step into the reality of who they are in Christ, manifesting the power and the character of Jesus to a lost world.

“For the creation waits with eager longing for the revealing of the sons of God.”  (Romans 8:19).

No limitations!  We carry on with the works of Jesus, with great expectations of greater works!  (John 14:12).

What is the Valley of Achor?  Achor means trouble.   It’s the valley where Achan, his family and possessions were destroyed because of his sin. (Joshua 7:24-25).  It was a valley of trouble, of failure, of death.   What is your Achor?  Where is your Achor?  In Christ Jesus there is restoration and His Word says that He will change that failure, that trouble, that defeat, that pain, that shame, into a door of hope!  New beginnings await us with the full backing of the Holy Spirit, our wonderful Helper!  The Holy Spirit is the restoration expert, and there in the valley of Achor He will give you back what the enemy has stolen.  Hope will be restored!  Out of the ashes of past failures we will experience victory!

Since the election of Donald J. Trump as our president, I have sensed a lifting of a heavy oppression over this nation.  Many have been trapped in the valley of political correctness, but not more!   God’s people finally got it!  We needed to pray for God to act in this election.  We prayed and He did it!  Regardless of what the liberal media said, we kept praying and believing that our Lord is faithful to keep His covenant promises to our nation.  Faithful God, You came through!!!!  Now hope is restored to keep believing for cities, regions and nations coming to Christ as sons and daughters rise up to fulfill the Great Commission.

This enemy of political correctness has kept many in the body of Christ paralyzed, confused, fearful and passive; afraid to witness, afraid to proclaim the Good News, afraid to demonstrate the power of the Gospel, when we are called to be the salt and light of the world!  Many have been afraid to dream big and afraid to hope for the fullness of His inheritance because of the lies of the enemy.   During this time the enemy has been at work, stealing vision and purpose from God’s people.  Without a vision we go around in circles, never entering in, never possessing our inheritance.  (Proverbs 29:18).

But things are changing!!!  I see a holy boldness arising; we are leaving behind the fear of man, leaving behind the valley of political correctness and entering into a new season of breakthrough and victory over every dead area in our lives.  It’s time for Kingdom expansion.  

It’s time to dream big, to think big, to fulfill your dreams and destiny, to proclaim and demonstrate the power of the kingdom of God.  It’s time to prophesy, to decree and declare, to heal the sick, to set the captives free, to change the atmosphere with the high praises and see His presence released in our midst with great glory!   The door is open:  come out of the valley of political correctness!   Dare to hope and step into your destiny!

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