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Word for 2025

Maria Vadia


Brothers and sisters, welcome to 2025! This is a year of ever-increasing glory and harvest

breakthroughs! It’s a time to come out of our limited thinking of fear, doubt and uncertainty and start expanding our horizons as we evangelize in the power of the Holy Spirit! We need to start taking risks as we follow Jesus. The harvest is more than ready; people are hungry for the truth; people want to find the real meaning of life. I say it’s time to go after the lost and bring them to Jesus. I smell revival fire!

“Lift up your eyes and see that the fields are ready for harvest.” (John 4:35).

This year, let every barrier and impediment that is holding us captive from carrying on with the works of Jesus, be dismantled in His mighty name. Let Him give us the boldness of a lion, for us to keep moving forward with the proclamation and demonstration of the Kingdom. We must not be intimidated nor trapped by any evil schemes from the enemy. After all, we serve an all-mighty, all-powerful God, and He wants to do great things through us!

“Truly, truly, I say to you, he who believes in me will also do the works that I do; and greater works than these will he do….” (John 14:12).

This year of 2025 will be a time of amazement as we believe God for the impossible in the midst of darkness, chaos and great spiritual warfare. The enemy tries to stop our believing by attacking our minds with doubt, fear and negativity in order to keep us stuck and fruitless; but we must break through by the power of the Holy Spirit and stand firm in God’s promises, so that we can believe and take action, carrying on with the works of Jesus (John 14:12). Precisely when it’s dark, the light of His glory shines the brightest!

“Arise, shine, for your light has come and the glory of the Lord has risen upon you. For behold, darkness shall cover the earth, and thick darkness the peoples, but the Lord will arise upon you, and his glory will be seen upon you. And nations shall come to your light, and kings to the brightness of your rising.” (Isaiah 60:1-3).

When we arise, we shine with the glory of the Lord. We must break out of the fear, the doubt, the confusion, the depression, any demonic oppression. And when we arise, we will shine with the glory of the Lord. Something supernatural is released, the light of Christ! This light breaks through the darkness in peoples’ lives, enabling the Holy Spirit to bring “nations” and “kings” to us! It’s supernatural!

Last year, when I returned from an overseas mission trip, I woke up on three different

occasions at 1:37 am. The Holy Spirit reminded me of Luke 1:37.

“For with God nothing will be impossible.” (Luke 1:37).

The Lord was definitely speaking to me and encouraging me through this Scripture passage, to believe Him for the “impossibles” being made possible as we go forth to minister to God’s people. This “word” is for you as well! No limitations of what the Lord can do through you!

Think big! Where are you struggling to believe? Doubts, fear, self-defeatism in any area of your life? Don’t believe the lies of the devil; he wants to disrupt and detour you from God’s purpose for your life. Believe, keep your eyes on Jesus, stay in thanksgiving and praise posture, and you will see the glory!

As temples of the Holy Spirit, we are empowered and anointed to release God’s goodness, His glory, everywhere we go! It’s time to move out of our comfort zones and step out in faith! As we proclaim the gospel, heal the sick, raise the dead, set the captives free, prophesy, the goodness of the Lord is released through us. Recently as I shared the gospel with an Uber driver, the presence of the Lord filled the car and fire started to burn in his heart. Glory!

During 2024, as I’ve ministered in different places and nations, I’ve experienced the ease of the glory. He is the glory, and when He is present, everything is easy, because He’s the One doing it! The healings, the miracles, the wonders have taken place so easily. For example, in California I had a word of knowledge for someone that had a leg shorter than the other. A lady came forward and as I ministered to her, within seconds her short leg grew! I was amazed at how quickly and effortlessly her leg grew! Boom! Glory! So many testimonies of healings, of pains and aches, depression, negativity, tumors suddenly leaving, because where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom! (2 Corinthians 3:17). In Rhode Island, a lady was set free from a pain she had carried in her upper body for more than 40 years! In Seattle, a 13-year-old boy was set free from a pain that flowed from his toes to his neck; for over 10 years he carried this pain. This aspect of the glory will increase in 2025 as we move forward to expand His Kingdom on earth as it is in heaven!

The presence and goodness of the Lord is so powerful! To experience it will cause repentance leading to salvation! Paul says,

“….the goodness of God leads you to repentance?” (Romans 2:4).

In 2025 let’s start risking for Jesus and manifesting His goodness everywhere He takes us.

Let’s dare to believe, breaking through the darkness, believing God for the impossible to take place through us as we co-labor with the Holy Spirit (2 Corinthians 6:1). Let’s go into the harvest with expectant faith, believing that we will reap a harvest of souls for Jesus, with healings, miracles, signs, wonders, like never before! Let’s display the goodness of our God as we share the Gospel with powerful demonstrations of the Kingdom!

I decree over your life breakthroughs over every stronghold in your mind: strongholds of

negativity, doubt, confusion, fear coming down! Let those strongholds be dismantled, brick by brick, in Jesus’ name! I decree you have the mind of Christ, that your are filled with truth and total alignment with heaven.

Let’s pray:

“Lord, we open our hearts to receive a fresh, new, Holy Spirit anointing for the harvest in 2025. Ignite us with fresh fire and dunamis power and make us unstoppable! Fill us with love and compassion for the lost. This year enable us to break through and break out of every barrier that is trying to keep us stuck and unfruitful. Give us eyes to see! Lord we ask for total alignment with Your Kingdom to fulfill Your plan and purposes in our lives. Let Your glory be manifested in us and through us as we move forward with Kingdom vision; you want all to be saved! Take us to new places, new nations, new territories. Come Holy Spirit! Glory to King Jesus, always and everywhere!"

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