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Word for 2019


“…and His name will be called Wonderful…”  (Isaiah 9:6).

I believe 2019 will be a year that the WONDERFUL acts of God will be on display like never before, just like in the Book of Acts!   True to His name, Jesus will delight to show Himself strong on behalf of His people and for the sake of those that do not know him.  As we partner with Him, there are no limitations in the Spirit; it’s us that need to believe how WONDERFUL He is and go for it!

“For the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to show his might in behalf of those whose heart is blameless toward him.”  (2 Chronicles 16:9).

Brothers and sisters, no matter where you are, no matter what you are going through; in ministry, in your family, in your finances, in your relationships, the Lord’s desire is to deliver you, to rescue you, to heal you, to restore you!  He wants you to know Him as WONDERFUL!  In 2019 there will be an accelerated release of His glory, which is His goodness.  Get ready!  The revelation that God is good is more than a nice idea; it’s a WONDERFUL reality!

Just think for a moment how WONDERFUL God’s acts have been throughout the history of the human race:  the signs and wonders in Egypt; how God’s people left Egypt strong and healthy; the opening of the Red Sea; the water coming out of a rock in the desert; the provision of manna; how their clothes didn’t wear out in 40 years; how they never got sick in their journey; the birth of Isaac; the prophet Elijah on top of Mt. Carmel; the Virgin birth; the conversion of Saul; the resurrection of Lazarus; the Cross, just to name a few!

In the book of Judges 13 there is the WONDERFUL story of a couple that had no children because the wife was barren.  She had an encounter with the angel of the Lord (the pre-incarnate Christ) who spoke to her these words:

“Behold, you are barren and have no children; but you shall conceive and bear a son.”  (Judges 13:3).

After the second encounter, she ran and got her husband who asked the angel:

“What is your name, so that, when your words come true, we may honor you?  And the angel of the Lord said to him, Why do you ask my name, seeing it is WONDERFUL?”  (v.17-18).

Where do you need a breakthrough in your life? How about a WONDERFUL miracle?  What promise have you been standing on and haven’t seen the manifestation? Do you need the One whose name is WONDERFUL to step in and do for you what you cannot do for yourself?   It’s time to experience how WONDERFUL He is!  2019 is your year of destiny and fulfillment!  No more barrenness, no more delays, in Jesus’ name!

I’ve already experienced in 2018 a great acceleration in amazing, WONDERFUL healings:

-Rhode Island:  a lady healed through word of knowledge of back pain she carried for 62 years!  She had not been able to twist or turn for all those years, but the Lord healed her completely!  (When she was 10 years old someone fell on her and destroyed her back).

-in Days of Glory conference in Boston another lady that had pain in her upper body for more than 40 years, got totally set free through word of knowledge! (She had fallen down the stairs when she was a teenager and had lived with great pain since then).

-in Edmonton, Canada, in the School of the Holy Spirit, another lady healed from head issues which she had carried for more than 30 years.  She fell down the stairs at age 2 and hurt her head; but the Holy Spirit healed her as she rested in the Spirit.  She said she felt the WONDERFUL hand of God fixing her brain!

-in Italy a woman with really bad pains in her knees for 15 years got totally set free; she was headed for surgery, but her knees got WONDERFULLY healed!

What strikes me about these healings is how long these women carried pain and torment in their bodies, and how suddenly and WONDERFULLY they were healed!  Go Jesus!!!

Other manifestations of His WONDERS:

-my daughter received a salary increase in her job much more than what she was expecting!  That was a WONDERFUL surprise!

-in Zimbabwe, where there is more than a 90% unemployment rate, two persons got jobs immediately after word of knowledge and a woman’s son got re-hired in his job with compensation!

-2 persons were WONDERFULLY blessed with vehicles in Zimbabwe through a testimony of God’s goodness of blessing His people with cars in Tanzania, Poland and Argentina!  This word of knowledge traveled to 4 different nations, 3 different continents!

-my sister in the Lord’s granddaughter, married with 2 little kids, graduated as a Physician Assistant and won the Research Gold Medal Award!  She was first in her class!  What a WONDERFUL achievement!

-President Donald J. Trump moved the embassy of US to Jerusalem.  This is a WONDERFUL alignment of our nation with the Kingdom of God!  And other nations have followed!

Brothers and sisters, there is more to come! Expect WONDERFUL suddenlies, breakthroughs, healings, provision and financial miracles in the coming year!  Align yourself with the Kingdom; posture yourself in praise and worship and expect WONDERFUL miracles!  Miracles in court cases coming to some of the readers!

Come, Holy Spirit, renew your WONDERS like in the early Church!  Leave everyone amazed and WONDERING!  We need You and we need Your WONDERS more than ever before, so that the eyes of the blind be opened to the Truth that Jesus is the only Savior and the only way to the Father!  (John 14:6).  Truly, You are WONDERFUL!

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