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Word for 2020

“…..put your trust in the Lord your God, and you will be established.  Put your trust in His prophets and succeed.”  (2 Chronicles 20:20).

As I was asking the Lord for a “word” for 2020, immediately the Holy Spirit took me to 2 Chronicles 20:20.  This is the year of sinking our roots more deeply in God’s Word, trusting the prophetic word(s) over our lives and acting on them.  We are established in the Lord in proportion as to how we trust and do His Word (James 1:22), because His Word is the solid foundation for our lives; but success comes from trusting the prophetic Word and acting on it.

In the context of the above passage of Scripture, trusting in the prophetic voice of that moment was to face three enemy armies by placing the “praisers” at the head of the army.  This makes no human sense at all, does it?  But the Lord reminds us,

“For My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways My ways, declares the Lord.  For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and My thoughts than your thoughts.”  (Isaiah 55:8-9).

As King Jehoshaphat obeyed the voice of the prophet, the Lord fought for them and they succeeded in battle; the three enemy armies were thrown into confusion and killed each other off!  Not only was the enemy defeated, with no survivors, but God’s people were able to go into the enemy camp and take away the spoils of war!

I don’t know what difficulty you might be facing today, but the Lord has the plan and strategy for you to overcome and succeed.  Don’t look at the difficulty, don’t look at the impossibility of the situation, but like King Jehoshaphat did, don’t’ give in to the fear, but turn to the Lord and seek His face. Surround yourself with Jesus lovers that hear His voice and prophesy, discern and act on that word!  You will succeed!

I want to give an example of someone who did not remain passive, but acted on a prophetic word over his life.  In Ireland a 24 year old young man responded to a word of knowledge about opening up a catering business.  I then prophesied that his catering business would expand and prosper; this young man acted on the prophetic word and in less than a year he was already catering! At first, he tried to borrow money from a relative, but it didn’t work out.  In faith he went ahead and bought a shed to put in the backyard, for his new kitchen and kitchen supplies.  A few days later his friend’s father rang him and told him “I’ll lend you what you need and when you prosper you can pay me back.”  Today he’s already prospering and has come out in the national newspaper.  It so happened that the town baker and the town caterer both retired at the same time!  The Lord had already planned this out in advance, and through the prophetic word this young man was encouraged to step into it!  And he did!  Thank You Jesus!  As he put his trust in the prophetic word, he succeeded!

Dear reader, I want to encourage you to fulfill God’s plan and purpose for your life!  He created you with a Kingdom purpose and His plans for your life are bigger and better than anything you could dream or think about!  He created you to be a champion, a giant slayer, a world changer!  By His power, as you trust Him with your future and heed the prophetic voice over your life, His wonderful plan(s) for your life will start to unveil right before your eyes!  Start taking steps of faith like the young man from Ireland!

“What no eye has seen, nor ear heard, nor the heart of man conceived, what God has prepared for those who love him.”  (1 Corinthians 2:9).

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